Tuesday, 24 April 2012


It is my great fortune that I have chosen such a noble profession. There is a great praise for teachers in scriptures. In one of the Sanskrit hymns, the teacher has been compared with Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. Therefore I should never forgot that I m doing great service in moulding the lives and the character of thousands of students within the four walls of the classroom. Students come to me with great expectation that they will get something from me. My duty is not only to teach them syllabus but to help them in building character. Students coming out of the educational institute with character and integrity alone can build this great nation. If I can do that in a humble way, I will be doing immense service to my nation and to the youth.
“Whatever a great man does, another person does the very same thing , whichever benchmark he sets , the world follows it ! ” I think my life itself will be a great source of inspiration for students. Teaching without practising will not produce any positive result. As modern students are very intelligent , they will watch our life and character. If they don’t find those things in practice they will not care for our world. If we sincerely love our students and are really interested in their welfare, they will certainly follow our footsteps. We must develop infinite patience and for bearence.
I never condemn my students for their shortcomings and mistakes, rather highlight their good qualities and success. If we speak kind words to students and encourage them they are bound to improve in time. If we can give them positive ideas they will grow up to be men and learn to stand in their own legs.
In language and Literature, in poetry and art in everything we must point out not the mistakes that people making in their thoughts and action but the way in which they will be gradually be able to do things better.
We should be able to enter the hearts of our student. They should find in us –their friend, guide and philosopher. Then only thy will open their hearts and will express their problems. Our approach to their problems should be positive and we should try atmost to help in solving their problem if it is within our reach. This intimacy and mutual affection will strengthen our relationship between taught and the teacher.
Once we put them on the right track, they will grow up as real men and women of real character and integrity. They will remain grateful to us throughout their lives for our great service rendered on them, on the other hand we will get job satisfaction which will result in peace and happiness.


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